Friday, February 19, 2010

Lean Board Game Game On Wii Fit Balance Board Problem?

Game on Wii Fit Balance Board Problem? - lean board game

I've recently bought a game on the Wii Fit Wii Fit Balance Board Plus (see the Wii Balance Board is the game, not Nintendo), but the Council seems to be a problem. If the card is facing the front and leans to the left, the character moves wii on the right side of the screen, and vice versa. Someone else has the board and the Wii have this problem? Who knows how to fix this problem? (When I see the Wii Balance Board has crosses on all points or a point a few points.)

1 comment:

Kris said...

ammm ... posibily wrong or have your balance board, check the button that ...(¬¬) a blue light on his forehead, and the Wii logo correctly read from the main site if you do works, Wii Balance board for your party .... Sorry, but Nintendo guarranty still works! When you buy your Wii Balance Board recently (less than one year), you always have the guarantee of his ^ ^, you can send it to Nintendo's free fix! try this, good luck! I hope that helped you bye ^ ^!

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