Wednesday, January 20, 2010

High Triglyceride Levels I Have Recently Been Diagnosed With A High Triglyceride Level But My Cholesterol Level Is Normal?

I have recently been diagnosed with a high triglyceride level but my cholesterol level is normal? - high triglyceride levels

Do not eat high-fat diet actually (I Takeaways maybe 1 or 2) per week and some days I have only one meal per day. Im a little overweight but not obese. I wonder whether it might be linked active thyroid condition. They also suffer from PCOS.


German Shepard said...

Not sure what your question, but it can sort and normal cholesterol. PCOS, it is important to eat at least 3 meals a day, 6 small would be ideal.

TheOrange Evil said...

Perhaps, but the most likely cause is PCOS. PCOS often accompanies insulin resistance and more insulin into the body (people with insulin resistance often) can cause blood sugar levels and, consequently, higher triglyceride levels. When was the last time you to control your blood sugar in the blood? With regard to triglycerides, fish oil is omega-3 fatty acids reduced their numbers drastically. My doctor recommended 3 grams of omega-3 per day. When buying fish oil, remember to check, do not include what percentage of fish oil omega-3s. May you have 4.10 capsules per day depending on what the fish oil that you buy.

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