Friday, January 22, 2010

Pump File How Does One File A Sexual Harrassment Complaint On Yahoo Answers?

How does one file a sexual harrassment complaint on Yahoo Answers? - pump file

The rain and were sexually assaulted by JD. We spoke with our lawyers about filing a formal complaint of sexual harassment against him.

I just got an e-mail asking me "like a rabbit pump" and repeatedly stated that "with a tachometer Pink Fluffy" and has asked me to "remove your old azz and sarcastically" that specify in detail later, how he would take me.

The rain received similar e-mails and traumatized by this experience. We both have nightmares and can not sleep because of their harassment. We are prepared to take legal action against the brigands of the child (in the 20th century, the 58, = P)


I make it rain said...

I am your brother and I really do not.

I know that you are fighting, but I'll be your **** (pun still intended) for all hes got it!

I think HES Bangock (pun again) (Bang Cock) LOL

DasReich said...

Everything you need to do is block him.But, in fact, they are traumatized to the point of nightmares and insomnia? They should be afraid easily.If 20, then they are a child and it is not a child predator.Those things he has written, is almost everyone in the world has been, or something similar disgusting.But comes at a time. The best solution would be the fist connecting the nose, unless it is traumatized, to defend themselves.

DasReich said...

Everything you need to do is block him.But, in fact, they are traumatized to the point of nightmares and insomnia? They should be afraid easily.If 20, then they are a child and it is not a child predator.Those things he has written, is almost everyone in the world has been, or something similar disgusting.But comes at a time. The best solution would be the fist connecting the nose, unless it is traumatized, to defend themselves.

One lala said...

They give evidence in his case, he would e-mail and everything you have.

I believe you are screwed, but because JD has witnessed, as we have seen your messages for him, I think your mad cause you is right leaning, you can use in the gay and lesbian section of Comfort: P

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